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Dev questions community – Stack Overflow

Developers always looking for new technologies, faster, better and cleverness code. We constantly need some answers, it doesn’t matter how much experience we have, because developers want more and more knowledge.



Stack Overflow is web location with dev questions and answers. It doesn’t sound special, right? No – Wrong!

I think that Stack Overflow is full with quick solutions and helpful answers, and if you need answer dev community will help you.

Stack Overflow member rate questions, and answers, that means quality will go on the top, questions are sorted by hotness, just like at the DIGG or similar services. This is web 2.0 website and it is very collaboratively. Users have own reputation, community scores them and they are very motivated to help.

Active users who ask question, and gives answer which community consider helpful can gain badges. Badges can be bestow by many criteria like:

  • If user left 10 comment he is Commentator
  • If user deleted own post with 3 or more upvotes he is Disciplined
  • If Question is voted up more than 100 times it is Great Question
  • If answered your own question with at least 3 up votes you are Fast Learner
  • much more …

You can track questions and answers via RSS. I liked opportunity to take feed RSS by tags, that means you can read only PHP, or jQuery question in RSS reader, splendid. This web site is still in Beta, so you can help them to improve this service, by giving ideas and feedback. Visit Stack Overflow.

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